Bloom board

I guess you all have heard about mood boards. Those "in" things you put on your wall and fill with clippings, photos, fabrics and stuff you like at the moment. Well, I like flowers at the moment :) and want to have them on my bloom board. Found these cute drop shaped glass vases at flower artist Finn Schjöll's shop in Oslo. My talented friend Anette/Anette's hus took me there on our big "making plans for the future" -day. Together with jewelry made by me in lovely shades of green and turquoise they give a beautiful contrast to the cerise carnation.

If you have a webshop and sell hanging glass vases, please write a note in the comments :)

And that was all for today! I'm happy to announce that I'm filled with energy and getting back being a normal me again. Oh happy day! Nothing big has really happened, the joy just came back!

Minna :)