Best cover 2010

Best Cover 2010
Det här omslaget valde finska Kodin Kuvalehtis läsare till båsta år 2010. Som motivering angavs; bilden andas vårkänslor, vacker bild, härliga färger och tydlighet. Stolta och glada fotografen känner sig ärad - och tackar ödmjukast. Hon vill också påpeka att utan den vackra modellen Viola hade inte den fina bildern blivit av :)  

Kramar & trevlig helg önskar fotografen Minna :)

This cover was voted for the best one 2010 by the readers of Finnish magazine Kodin Kuvalehti. The readers motivated they choice by saying that the cover felt spring -like, beautiful image and colours as well as that there was a balance in the image. Proud and happy photographer is honoured  - and says thank you. And reminds that without the beautiful model Viola it would not have worked :)

Hugs and a good weekend from Minna the photograper