My dearest Grandpa

My dear Grandpa passed away this summer. He had a good long life and is sure happy to be together with his wonderful wife, my Grandma, again. I have such a wonderful memories about my loving grandparents and I'm so grateful to have had them in my life.
For his funeral I made this heart shaped decoration. Wanted to create something that would last for a long time and this definetely will. My Grandpa lived on the country side and loved nature - so I'm convinced that he is happy with my choice of materials.
I made the heart out of steel netting that I filled with straw. I cut the netting in a shape of heart (x2) and then worked with the form with my hands untill I was happy. Remember glowes! I used moss for the up-side and waxpaper for the down-side (see below).
First I tied down the moss with wire and then with pieces of some thicker steel wire bent to U's, I nailed on the waxpaper.
The Elderberries and acorns were attached with the same technique.

Sorry that I don't have more pictures while making the decoration. I'll write to Santa again that I still need more hours for my days : )))
Remember to visit, hug and listen to those that have lived longer than you! Old people telling about their lives is million times better than watching cheap tv-series!
Yours truly,
Minna : )