
Jag hade ingen aning att ngt så väsentligt som vitpepper (i min matlagning i alla fall) är så fint i sin originalform (eller nån torkar version är det ju, men släta fina korn och levereras i klasar). Köpte det hos en blomstergrossist, har aldrig sett det någon annanstans.

My dear non-Swedish speaking friends! Thank you sooo much for your kind comments here on my page. I've received questions about my wreaths, arrangements, materials and my camera work from you and from now on I'll do my best in writing an English versions of my postings so it will be easier for you get the whole picture. I'm really bad in flower names in English, but I'll do my best...

Today I'm showing a picture of a bird nest decorated with white pepper among other things, a new material I've discovered recently.